"We are excited to be working with AWF to achieve our objectives of providing dedicated oncological services in The Gambia for the first time in its history."
There are limited local facilities for wholistic cancer treatment for the Gambia’s 2.6 million population. With only one chemotherapy facility in the country, no radiotherapy facilities and limited CT & MRI equipment, early detection of cancers is difficult and treatment alternatives for cancer patients are limited to surgery in a local hospital or travel to neighboring Senegal for complementary health care.
Gambian NGO The Solace Foundation approached AWF in 2023 with a plan to design a dedicated oncology centre that would enable effective management for Gambian cancer patients though the full spectrum of needs from population screening to wholistic treatment, allied health and palliative care at an international standard.
AWF Network Partner Jackson Clements Burrows Architects (JCBA) are preparing briefing, spatial analysis and master planning for the facility; starting with outpatient clinics, basic screening, diagnosis and follow up care and building capacity over time to offer a range of services in a comprehensive cancer centre.
As treatment of communicable disease improves in West Africa, non-communicable diseases like cancer are becoming a more significant load on community health. This project has the potential to be transformational for the region.
Year: 2023
Status: Stage 1 (Briefing) Complete
Partners: Jackson Clements Burrows