18 October 2023

San Miguel National High School

Assisting in the reconstruction of a typhoon-devastated school and its wider community.

Architects Without Frontiers and Network Partner NBRS are working with US-based educational charity Minds Beyond Measure (MBM) to develop a masterplan for reconstruction and design a new Skills Centre for San Miguel National High School in Tabaco City, Philippines.  The school was severely damaged Super Typhoon Rolly (Gony) in 2020.

NBRS are developing a long-term plan for the replacement of destroyed classrooms and facilities and designing the Skills Centre to host vocational programs teaching fishing and fish processing, carpentry, hairdressing, agriculture, handicrafts and entrepreneurial skills.

Minds Beyond Measure’s work with schools in the US, Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines has shown that vocational programs at middle and senior high school level can increase school attendance and improve the economic conditions of entire school communities.

MBM’s CEO, Jaime Perris recently visited San Miguel to inspect water supply bicycle education and empowerment programs, and noticed classes taking place under the school’s mango tree, due to a shortage of useable classrooms – this struck NBRS Director Andrew Duffin, who made a watercolour sketch of the scene.