10 September 2024

Muanivatu Trails preliminary images released

HGA Studio’s Muanivatu Trails project in Vuadomo, Fiji, aims to create a “Smart Village” through sustainable tourism and cultural preservation, offering community-driven employment opportunities.

HGA Studio has put together a package of fantastic preliminary images of the proposed Muanivatu Trails low-impact climate homestay accommodation units for guests of the Fijian village of Vuadomo.

Muanivatu Trails are a community owned business transforming Vuadomo into a “Smart Village” by supporting sustainable business and tourism development, preserving culture and heritage, and mitigating against the effects of climate change.

The “Transforming Muanivatu” Community Strategic Plan provides community-driven employment opportunities for the village through homestay programs, guided treks to Vuadomo waterfall, weddings and ceremonial & storytelling experiences.