29 November 2019


Thank you to all of our incredible Network Partners. On behalf of Architects Without Frontiers and all those your support will positively impact, we thank you for your valued partnership and great work in 2019.

Thank you to JCB Architects for hosting the AWF Network Partner End of Year Celebration last night at the beautiful, new South Melbourne Life Saving Club. Designed by the talented team at @jcbarchitects.

What an amazing year it has been for AWF and the Network Partners, working on much-needed projects, working with incredible community groups and NGO's and increasing our reach and impact.

Thank you to all of our incredible Network Partners. On behalf of Architects Without Frontiers and all those your support will positively impact, we thank you for your valued partnership and great work in 2019.

This important work is not achievable without the generosity and expertise of the individuals and organisations that make up the AWF Partner Network.

@jcbarchitects @tractconsultants @coxarchitecture @hassell_studio @wtpartnership @milieuproperty @hayball_arch @clarkehopkinsclarke @robertsday @aboutsjb LCI and the Bonacci Group